22 Ocak 2012 Pazar

                                                  IS HAVING CHILDREN JUST PROBLEM?
Today, some people think that having child only gives ways to problems in marriage. Moreover, having child is thought as reason even for divorce. I partially agree with these thoughts because having child has important positive effects on marriage. Firstly, having   child ties  parents  to  each other. They think that the child, who is theirs, is a   result   of their love and they love each other more because they present such a beautiful gift to each other. Secondly, having child directs parents to mutual aims. They want to raise their children properly and they make plans for the future and this condition affects their marriage positively. What is more, having child prepares future instead of divorce for marriage. To begin with, parents think carefully while they are solving a family problem as they think their children’s psychological and physical health and they do not immediately think divorce. Thus they make their best to solve problems and save their marriage. Moreover, having child provides proper family life. Parents realize their responsibilities when they have children and they try to fulfill these properly and then they have proper family life without realizing. For instance, while a man is coming late to his house, he starts to come to home on time when he has a child because he realized his responsibilities. Another   thought   I agree with it is that having a child may interrupt parent’s  life. Firstly, if the parents have job, this condition will be a problem when the child is born. Because taking on interest in child requires all time during the day, he or she has to give up her /his job and the person who gives up her/his job, is generally mother. Although mother does not want to give up her job, she gives up reluctantly. So partners encounter many problems. Secondly, parents are sometimes jealous of each other from their own children. One of the partners   gets angry when the other takes interest extremely in their child and then this condition causes to go off their child. Thus, a big problem may spring in marriage. To sum up, there are ideas about marriage that   I agree and disagree with them. I think ideas about interruption of parents’ life may be reasonable but I believe that children have positive effects on marriage. Before having children if partners think carefully and prepare proper situation and find solutions for problems which may come out when a baby is born, they do not regret having children. Moreover , children will bring more happiness.

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